(芬兰时间)2月15日,16877太阳集团安全入口(RCT Power)应邀参加瓦锡兰集团举行的全球供应商活动(Wärtsilä Global Supplier Day),并从数千名供应商中脱颖而出,成为全球仅八座的“供应商大奖”得主之一,更是该集团能源业务的唯一一家获奖供应商。
亨嘉之会,济济一堂。这是瓦锡兰过去11年来首次举办此类活动,RCT Power能够被正式邀请至芬兰出席活动并被授予奖项,是公司口碑和实力的双重认证,我们也倍感荣幸。瓦锡兰作为一家有着190年历史的能源公司,能始终坚持在产品端、服务端以及公司战略方面创新,坚持降碳及碳中和这一大战略并落地到产品、服务和业务开发环节,这种职业态度与能力值得所有企业学习借鉴。活动现场,瓦锡兰公司CEO兼能源业务总裁Mr. Hakan Agvenall还向在座的全球企业管理者分享公司发展心得:“具备好产品、好员工、好文化的公司就能给客户不断提供好的服务。”这点也与RCT Power的发展理念和追求目标不谋而合。
“成就客户、协作共赢、诚信、高效、激情、创新”一直是RCT Power的核心价值观,也是RCT Power一路走来的信念基石。作为瓦锡兰多年以来重要的合作伙伴,RCT Power始终致力于竭尽所能地为瓦锡兰创造长期价值。无论是储能高速发展的平稳时期,还是面临全球疫情挑战的艰难时期,RCT Power都能高质量地完成项目管理、生产制造和交付,这些不仅得益于公司架海擎天的实力支撑和精细入微的品质把控,更离不开全体阿诗特人的智慧凝聚和不懈努力。
未来,RCT Power会继续把创造客户价值作为核心要义,襄助各企业合作伙伴在绿色能源变革与发展中储赢未来。笃行致远,砥砺前行,RCT Power始终向着“致力于成为全球领先的储能品牌,让绿色能源更可靠,让未来生活更美好”的使命与愿景奋楫勇进。
On February 15th (Finnish time), RCT Power was invited to participate in Wärtsilä Group's Global Supplier Day and stood out from thousands of suppliers to become one of only eight winners of the "Supplier Awards" worldwide, and the only award-winning supplier in the group's energy business.
It was a gathering of outstanding suppliers. This was the first such event held by Wärtsilä in the past 11 years, and RCT Power's official invitation to attend the event in Finland and receive the award is a double affirmation of our reputation and strength. As a 190-year-old energy company, Wärtsilä has consistently innovated in its products, services, and corporate strategies, adhering to the major strategies of decarbonization and carbon neutrality, and has implemented them in its products, services, and business development. This professional attitude and ability are worthy of all companies to learn from. At the event, Mr. Hakan Agvenall, CEO and Energy Business President of Wärtsilä, also shared his experience of the company's development with global enterprise manager present: "A company with good products, good employees, and good culture can continuously provide good services to customers." This coincides with RCT Power's development philosophy and pursuit goals.
"Customer fullfilment, collaboration, integrity, efficiency, passion and innovation" have always been the core values of RCT Power, and the foundation of our beliefs along the way. As an important partner of Wärtsilä for many years, RCT Power has always been committed to creating long-term value for Wärtsilä to the best of our abilities. Whether it is the stable period of rapid development of energy storage or the difficult period of global epidemic challenges, RCT Power can complete project management, production, and delivery with high quality, thanks not only to the strong support and meticulous quality control of our company, but also to the wisdom and unremitting efforts of all RCT Power employees.
In the future, RCT Power will continue to make creating customer value the core principle and assist our partners in the green energy transformation and development to store a winning future. With perseverance and progress, RCT Power always strives towards our mission and vision of "To be a world leading energy storage brand. More reliable green energy, better future life."